
Health and Safety

Maintaining the Environmental Health and Safety is an important step in providing a safe and secured workplace.

General Safety Rules Regulations

Our trained Supervisory personnel will review all general rules and regulations with each employee joining our company. The record of all training provided is kept in the employee file.

Safety Tour

All of our new employees are given a safety tour of the department by the area supervisor. It is ensured that all specific safety rules and hazards pertaining to the surrounding area are explained.

WHMIS Training

New employees receive training on the Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System by a qualified trainer, within four weeks of commencing work. A review for this training is done constantly and a record of the same is kept in the employees file.

Personal Protective Equipment

All personal protective equipment supplied by Shinol Inc. is to be used for job specific purposes, and for other use in the plant area.

Lock Out / Tag Out Procedures

Shinol Inc. ensures that all our staff is fully trained on lock out /Tag out procedures. Safety is of paramount importance to us. Lock out / Tag out enables us to maintain a safe work environment.

Fire, Medical and Emergency Evacuation Procedures

All our employees are trained during the onsite safety tour about the evacuation procedures ensuring their safety at work.